Hello Foundations Families!
This week‘s growth mindset quote is by Carol Dweck…
“Test scores and measures of achievement tell you where a person is, but they don’t tell you where a person could end up.”
There is great value in learning and understanding the truth about where we stand in different areas of our life. After all, true change requires that we embrace the truth about our weaknesses and then actually make a decision to work on those areas.
The danger, at times, in receiving test scores and feedback is that we can sometimes use that information against ourselves. Rather than being motivated to work on improving our brain, our health, or our relationships, we can sometimes instead get discouraged by the truth we are facing.
While I empathize with how challenging it is to hear information that we wish was not true, I want to remind you that we have the ability to grow and to change! We all have areas of weakness, but we do not have to spend our lives avoiding, masking, or working around those weaknesses (how exhausting is that anyway!).
This week I want to encourage you to embrace the areas where you struggle, and rather than beat yourself up or give up, make a plan for how you will work on strengthening those areas. At our school, I have seen miraculous things happen in the lives of students who push through their discouragement and put effort (day after day) into tasks that at one time felt impossible.
You ARE capable of great things! Don’t give up!
Here’s a fun little video to watch this week as well… Growth Mindset Video (3 mins)