Hello Foundations Families and Friends!
This week’s growth mindset quote is…
“What we focus on, and who we surround ourselves with, influences who we become.“
It is important to remember that every single thing that we do each day – everything we look at, listen to, and put inside our body – is changing our brain for the better or for the worse.
Every day we have a choice to feed our brain with positive or negative music, images, shows, words, and self-talk.
Every day we have a choice to negatively impact our brain with things like sugar, drugs, and alcohol, or to fuel our brain with nutritious foods, sleep, and exercise.
And every day we have a choice to surround ourselves with people who will help us be a better or worse version of ourselves. Whether you realize it in the moment or not, the fact is, the people you spend time with are influencing your attitude, thoughts, and behaviors. I love this insightful quote by Rob Dial…
“A 2006 study called the ‘Bad Apple Effect’ showed that adding just one negative person to a group of five made them perform 40% worse in their tasks and lowered the quality of their work by 25%. They also had 50% more conflicts, leading to less effective collaboration. Here’s the truth: you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If your five closest friends are successful entrepreneurs, you’re on the same path. But if your circle includes junkies or losers, that’s the direction you’re headed. And if you’ve got a mix—two junkies and three millionaires—you’re likely to become a junky millionaire. The people around you have an undeniable influence on your life and success. So, pick your friends wisely. Keep the good ones, cut out the bad, and protect your mental space. Personally, I haven’t watched TV or the news in 20 years. I block all negative content and follow only those with a growth-oriented, entrepreneurial mindset. You have the power to choose what you let into your mind—use it wisely and surround yourself with positivity and success.”
Do not discount the impact that every single choice you make each day has on your brain, your mental and physical health, and your future. Choose wisely – you’re worth it!