It’s hard to believe that this is the very last day of 2021. Tomorrow, a whole new year begins. Some of us are ending this past year on a high, feeling energized by the things we’ve overcome and accomplished. Some of us are ending this past year wondering how we survived, feeling exhausted by the amount of energy it has taken to persevere through each day. Regardless of how you are ending 2021, I want to remind you that 2022 is filled with hope – hope for growth, hope for change, hope for healing, hope for new beginnings, hope for great things!
Sometimes our feelings tell us there is no hope. Sometimes our feelings tell us that we can never change, that our situation is hopeless, that we aren’t good enough, smart enough, strong enough, loveable enough…but here’s the thing, our feelings can often be skewed. In fact, our feelings are often connected to past pains, failures, and fears, making our current situation “feel” much more hopeless than it really is. I understand that there are terrible situations that we sometimes face – a job loss, a death in the family, health problems, a hurting child, family strife – that legitimately cause pain. Those things DO hurt! But in spite of the pain, what I can assure you is that there is still hope, even in the midst of your heartache. Regardless of what has happened, what you have done, what someone else has done, there is hope for growth, change, healing, and a good future.
One of my favorite verses is Romans 8:28, which says that in ALL situations, God can and will make something good out of it (paraphrased). I have seen God produce something good out of every obstacle and tragedy I have ever faced – through the death of my brother, financial hardship, the exhaustion that comes from parenting, working, marriage, a pandemic, etc. – God has always provided an opportunity for healing and growth. I have also been blessed to watch so many students, parents, and friends turn some of their greatest tragedies and obstacles into character building opportunities, and ministries and stories that bless others around them.
I am not sure where this last day of 2021 finds you, but one thing I do know is that God wants you to enter 2022 filled with hope. He loves you, He believes in you more than you believe in yourself, and He can and will make good out of every situation you are about to face.
If you are struggling to hold on to hope, below is a video and some books I recommend:
Here’s to a year ahead filled with hope, healing, peace, and joy… Happy New Year!