This week’s growth mindset quote is by Alex Hormozi…
“Victims see their past as their fate. Champions see their past as their origin story. Our actions, not our pasts, define who we are.”
Our past does not have to dictate our future. We have the power to grow, and change, and make choices that will move us in the direction of our goals and dreams.
Greatness is seldom achieved on a road that is paved with ease – Greatness comes from overcoming hardships, persevering through darkness, and refusing to allow our weaknesses to define us.
Regardless of the challenges you were born into, or the mistakes you have made, there IS hope for a great future.
Do not allow the trials or mistakes of yesterday to prevent you from being who you want to be today. You have greatness inside of you and you ARE capable of being a champion!
Wishing you a week ahead filled with great things!