Hello Foundations Families and Friends!
In place of our usual growth mindset discussion this week, I would like to share with you another story of hope and healing. I recently received the following email from the parent of a Foundations student:
“FYI, we just received an email from Noah’s history teacher letting us know how well he has been doing in history class. He said he noticed a significant change with Noah’s commitment in his class and his performance. I have to tell you, as I helped Noah study for his last test in History, I was amazed at his recall and attention to detail with the study guide Noah created on his own to prepare for the test. Honestly, this all brings tears to my eyes as it is miraculous considering the fact that we were in the ICU in August facing 2 brain bleeds and a skull fracture. If ever there is a testimony on the power of brain plasticity, it’s Noah’s story. The fact that he is now doing better than he did before his brain bleed blows me away. He is doing grade level work and has an A in Algebra!! For the 1st time, he cares about school and loves it. Thank you for helping Noah and us through his journey. It has been a GODsend and life changing.” — The Sarton Family
Noah joined the Foundations program several years ago, and the growth we have seen in his life – cognitively, academically, socially, and emotionally – has been beautiful. However, after making so much progress, he and his family experienced a setback. Noah fractured his skull in a skateboarding accident last summer and was admitted to the hospital with a brain bleed. After spending time in the hospital, Noah has gradually recovered, but the head injury caused a decline for him as he attempted to return to his lessons at school. I can only imagine the worry and frustration that he and his parents must have experienced during that time! But in spite of the setback, Noah continued with his cognitive work, persevering through the times when he felt it was too hard, and his hard work has paid off! As his mother shared in her note, he is now working at grade level in most areas (both in a one-on-one setting in his Foundations classes, as well as in his Fairmont classes), and he is on track to graduate with a high school diploma. Wow!!! Just as his mom said, “Noah’s story is a testimony on the power of brain plasticity!”
I am sharing this story with you, moms and dads, because I want to assure you that there is hope…hope for change, hope for healing, and hope for growth! There are times when the road ahead can look so long and look so dark that it’s hard to hold on to hope. I get it. Hang in there! There is truth to the old saying that it is darkest before the dawn, and our greatest breakthroughs often come from enduring our most challenging trials.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend. : )