Hello Foundations Families and Friends,
When your child struggles in school, it can take a huge toll on their self-esteem. It is common for children with learning challenges to become highly discouraged, to develop anxiety disorders, or to even struggle with depression.
In this week’s Foundations video, the Stevens family share about the toll their daughter’s learning challenges took on her self-esteem, how that impacted their entire family, and their journey to find the support their daughter needs and deserves.
As an educator with 20 years of experience herself, Mrs. Stevens expresses how disheartening it was for her and her husband to come to the conclusion that the public school system was not only not supporting their daughter’s growth, it was causing her anxiety and damaging her self-esteem. The Stevens explain that they searched and searched for a school that could support all of their daughters cognitive, academic, social, and emotional needs, but none of the options they explored were the right fit… until they learned about Foundations.
Jordyn entered the Foundations program for 7th grade, and within the first few months, the Stevens could already see changes taking place in their daughter. Her self-confidence was returning, her anxiety was dissipating, and her joy was returning. The Stevens discuss how thankful they are to have found a program that is so individualized and focuses on helping each child grow to their personal full-potential.
I would like to invite you to listen to this dear family’s inspiring story. As with all the stories we share, my hope is that you will learn that THERE IS HOPE for your child’s future and that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your journey.
Just in case you missed any of our previous videos, here are links:
Wishing you a weekend filled with rest and relaxation!