Hello Wonderful Foundations Families and Friends!
I am excited to share with you an interview that I had with one of our amazing students, Ethan Munck. Though it’s helpful for you and I to have dialogue about how Foundations impacts students, I think that there is really no better way to hear about the program than from one of our students.
While some of you might already know Ethan from his roles in iCarly and other shows, or from his more recent music releases, our team is blessed to know Ethan from inside the classroom. He has been an inspiration and role model to the students around him, and we could not be more proud of his hard work and the amazing growth we have watched him experience. Coincidentally, a few hours after Ethan and I completed this interview, he found out that he had been accepted into his first choice college, and that they were even offering him both an academic and musical theater scholarship. An absolute dream come true, especially considering college wasn’t even on his list of goals just a few years prior. We are SO happy for Ethan!
In our discussion, Ethan shares from his point of view about:
- How the program has impacted him in various ways (cognitively, academically, emotionally, socially, relationally, etc.).
- Does he feel like he missed out on anything by being in Foundations (as opposed to going to a different school that was bigger or where some of his friends attend).
- What advice would he give to other students who struggle with learning challenges?
I hope that you all take the time to listen to this podcast, and I encourage you to share it with your kids. Click the link below to listen…
Have a wonderful day! : )